Monday, March 4, 2019

Catholic University 4/5 Bo kids gave it a thumbs up

Now I love RVing, I do.  But not surprisingly not all of my teens are as enthusiastic a I am.  One I can quote as saying "RVing is for 5 year olds and old people"   Ah well what can you do.

So our first trip included Catholic university and Loyola.  This was done on our way down to Tennessee for a family action (Dolly Wood!  strange place honestly) This was this past summer so my memory may not be perfect

Catholic University 

We were new to the touring thing, so I went to the website for Catholic University and booked an information session and a campus tour.  I have learned that it may be more useful to directly email a department that you are interested in so you can find out more about the program you are interested in.  If not that see if they have an information session related to your kids possible area of interest.

Going into Catholic I had my hesitations.  I was a bit worried that the students would all home-schooled and from families of 10, though with a family of 5 who am I to judge, and not that there is anything wrong with homeschooling I just didn't think it would be a great fit for my kids.

The campus is pretty and if you didn't know Catholic is home to the largest Basilica in the East .  They were in the middle of building a brand new business building and as they will tell you it is Hogwarts on the outside and Google on the inside.   We did not get to see it, but a good friend said they did complete construction,.

It was nice that it was on the subway line of Washington DC while having so much acreage that you felt removed and bucolic   I did feel that the landscape looked a bit run down, but the buildings were in good shape

Our tour guide was awesome which helps and the information session was impressive.


It did have a warm vibe you would expect from a catholic institution
Built in class to integrate students-required this was a plus as it wouldn't be pushed out of the schedule
In dorm support/counselor/ monk
Large variety of majors
Honors Program
Freshmen forms were average but laundry and bathroom cleaning is included
average sized dorm rooms
Impressive internships/employment upon graduation
nice area right outside of campus for food/shopping


Possible long walk to classes 
expensive even with merit packages

No one can remember the cons anymore. I suspect that the detractor in the group was turned off by his parents and siblings enthusiasm 

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