Saturday, March 2, 2019

Beginning our Touring Life

We have a huge RV, its a trailer that sleeps 10.  Its pretty unwieldy.  We also have 5 teens, two of which have begun the college hunt.

I don't know about you, but I had no college hunt as a high school student, it was here's a brochure choose a school.  Chose my school and my major site unseen and completely believed that it would all work out.
But even then, way back in 1984 that was the processes for some of my peers.  They were padding college applications, studying for the SAT and gearing up for the perfect college experience, not many did this but some.

Now in 2019 you are borderline neglectful and worthy of a call to CPS if you don't indulge in the college tours, pay for endless, intense SAT classes (and ACT!) hire an essay writer, maybe get a private college adviser.

I don't know how much of the above we can do, but we do have an RV and I love a road trip so the touring part I can do.  In fact we have toured several already and I loved it.  I love walking around campus, its entertaining, its free and we get time as a family so not so bad.

There are many sites that can give you stats and admission requirements.  I will provide links when I am not feeling too lazy.  But this is just a personal , up-close tour blog.  Please feel free to  comment.  and if I save one family from needing to tour that college in Kalamazoo I have indeed done my bit for the universe

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Finally our Favorite College Town Boston ;Boston/Rhode Island; Providence, URI, Northeastern, Babson

We headed out to tour Providence a small Catholic/Dominican college. I have heard people say it's for kids that didn't get into BC....